UCAS Event.

Posted: December 3, 2014 in FMP, Personal, Professional Practice, Year 3 Client Project
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I was asked to help out at the 2014 UCAS event in Manchester on the 25th November, I was their to man the Oculus rift and explain a bit about the project to anyone who showed interest. manning the Oculus was the same basic jobs, making sure the lenses were clean and making sure it was all fastened properly and comfortably on their head. I also helped out filling bags with prospectuses to be taken away by people who were interested in the courses as well as guiding people to the tutor most suited to talk about the course they had interest in. This was a really good experience because I am quite nevus at public events and tend to rely on other people to do the talking. This forced me to take charge and sound confident in what I was saying and after the first couple of groups it no longer bothered me. I felt much more confident in talking and asking people to come over instead of waiting for them to come to me. This was a great experience for my social skills and confidence and I think in the future I will try and take a much more prominent role at talking with the public. Along side this it was also a good test of my time keeping skills as I had to make my own way there from Hull and if I missed my train I would not have made it to the event.

An interesting point in the day was when an attendant manning another booth who was also showing the Oculus came over to see what we was running because they were using the demo disk. This allowed me to talk about the interest we have had from museums and other applications we had discussed outside of gaming that a 3D navigable space could be useful for.

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