Posts Tagged ‘The Logo Board Game’

000LOGO box montage HR

The Logo Board Game:

Type: AGON and ALEA

Platform: Board Game

Quick Break Down:

This game falls under AGON because you are trying to beat the other person and the game does not end until someone has won.

This game falls under ALEA because you can only move by answering questions correctly and you don’t know what question you will be asked because they are drawn from a deck that is shuffled adding the element of luck to the game (that they will draw a card with a question you know printed on it).

Forms of play:

LUDUS – This game has clear preset rules and goals.

What needs does the game fulfill:

Competence – The only way you can move in the game is by getting correct answers, so for every answer you get correct you are rewarded with progression.

Relatedness – You can only play this game with a minimum of two players and they need to interact with each other to ask the questions.

What player type(s) does this game suit best:

Killer because you can beat your opponent with your superior logo knowledge.

Achiever because you need to get correct answers to be able to progress in the game.

Socializer because you are playing and interacting with at least one other person.

Examples of Punishment and reward within the game:

Get a correct answer and you move to the colour square corresponding to that question. Get a question wrong and you don’t get to move and your opponent gets to try and answer it (if there is more than two people playing the game).

How does it deal with the Hedonic Treadmill:

There are 300 questions meaning that you are not likely to get the same questions each time you play. This makes every game different and unique allowing for more experiences.


The logo board game is a fun general knowledge game about brands, logos and products. The object of the game is to get to the center of the board and answer all the remaining questions on the card correctly starting with the colour your on working down the card. you can only move by answering a question correctly starting with the purple question working your way down to red or until you get a question wrong were it will then be passed to the person to the left, for every question you get wright you move to the next corresponding colour on the board e.g. move from purple to purple if you only got the first question wright on both of your turns. It was easy to get into flow playing this game once we read through the rules and knew what we was doing because it was fun. It was fun because the questions varied so much that some were ridiculously easy and others were really hard appealing to a wide verity of knowledge levels. You also feel achievement with every question you get right as correct answers are the only way to move in the game.